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Posted by : A Thursday, 30 April 2015

Original Title: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica (魔法少女まどか☆マギカ )
English Title: Magical Girl Madoka Magica

Main Characters:
Madoka Kaname
Sayaka Miki
Mami Tomoe
Akemi Homura
Sakura Kyoko
Kyubey (Incubator)

Opening: ClariS - Connect
Ending: Kalafina - Magia

Madoka Kaname and Sayaka Miki is bestfriends who accidentally encounters a cat look-alike that talks using telepathy, named Kyubey. Kyubey offers contract to girls who wants their wish to be granted by sacrificing their life fighting witches, the time they made contract their soul is taken out and moved into a place named soul gem, once their soul is moved, it can't go back anymore to normal life. They met Mami Tomoe, an upperclassmen who had made contract with Kyubey fighting witches, she took Sayaka and Madoka along fighting witches so that they know that it is risky. Everytime Madoka is about to made contract in a very dangerous situation, Akemi Homura always showed up to help her. After the death of Mami Tomoe, Madoka finally realize that being a magical girl is full of contemption, anger, anguish and danger. Also, when the soul gem becomes too tainted to despair, it will transform into grief seed, and the girl will turn into a witch. This is exemplified when Sayaka, heavily disillusioned with the current state of the world, falls into a irrecoverable despair that turns her into a witch, Kyoko and Madoka tried to save her but their effort is useless, eventually Kyoko also died. Homura also reveals her secret and tells it to Madoka that she is a magical girl from a different timeline who has repeated the same month of countless times in order to save her from grisly fate, and that they have met before. After these revelations, Madoka decided to be a Magical Girl who wish to stop witches before they are created. This rewrites the laws of the universe, resulting Madoka become God and nothing more than a concept with only Homura that remembers her in the new world that is formed.

Well, the anime's not bad after i finished it. At first when i watched until Mami Tomoe's death it started to become boring because Madoka becomes like a crybaby, but then after more things are revealed, it becomes better. But i wonder why Madoka should disappear from the world she formed...... 

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