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- Fate Stay Night [Unlimited Blade Works]
Posted by : A
Wednesday, 22 October 2014

I watched the movie a week ago and do you know what? it's so great, ugh.
Archer is so cute <3 ♥
I watched the movie a week ago and do you know what? it's so great, ugh.
Archer is so cute <3 ♥
Basically the movie is about Servant Archer and Master Shiro
Archer's spirit is Holy Spirit Emiya
Which means he's related to Shiro
Teaming up with Rin, Archer had small conflicts with her, so he decided to team up with Caster. At that time Saber was captured, so Rin and Shiro team up and search for help, at first they want to ask help from Ilyasviel and Berserker. But when they went to an abandoned castle which people doesn't know, Ilyasviel and Berserker were fighting Shinji (at first, Rider was shinji's servant, but got murdered by Caster) and Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh murdered Berserker with his swords and took Ilya's Heart. So what they saw is murder there. They can't believe it because Berserker was so strong but in the end they (Rin and Shiro) burried and prayed for them (Ilyasviel and Berserker). Suddenly Lancer appeared (again), and offered help to Rin. Archer thought that Rin have paired up with Lancer. And for the second time, Rin went to the castle, but this time not with Shiro ,nor alone, but kidnapped by Archer. Rescued by Lancer. Meanwhile Lancer having a fight with Shinji and his master, Kirei. Archer and Shiro is having a fight to decide whose going to live and win the Holy Grail War. In the end, archer disapeared but still help them. Gilgamesh was the bad bad guy. Ugh, i don't really like him. Archer's spirit is Holy Spirit Emiya
Which means he's related to Shiro
I am the bone of my sword
Steel is my body and fire is my blood
I have created over a thousand blades
Unknown to death
Nor known to life
Have withstood pain to create many weapons
Yet those hands will never hold anything
So as i pray, unlimited blade works
In the end, Rin partnered with Saber, and together with Shiro they won and stopped the Holy Grail War.
I assume you to watch the movie instead the TV version, because i got confused watching it, sometimes using Rin POV (Point Of View) and sometimes using Shiro POV
But i enjoyed the movie, a lot even though it took almost two hours.
I hope you got enjoyed with this latest post and blog edit, and sorry if the music still less because my internet speed doesn't support, but don't worry! I'll keep you informed with the latest season anime and new template;;)
Talk to you later guys!
Talk to you later guys!